Welcome Welcome to the Local 471 Website Welcome to the Teamsters Local 471 Website. The goal of the Executive Board and Staff is that this website will serve you, the member, more efficiently and provide you with content that you will find helpful.
When you first log in to our website, please remember to change your password.
We ask that you never use an Employer provided email for any Union communications. Since those emails have the potential to be monitored, we request that you use a personal email. Gmail, Yahoo, and MSN allow you to sign up for a free email address.
The Local Union Staff will be able to communicate with each bargaining unit by posting messages and information in your "Resource Group." Check back frequently for updates and other changes. When you log in, it will tell you what has changed since your last log in.
Once logged into our website, you can view your contract, file a grievance, view your grievances, download forms, and even request a withdrawal card. The International Constitution and Local Union Bylaws are also available.
If you have technical difficulties, need your password reset, or want to see something added to the site, don't hesitate to contact us with the link provided under "Contact Us."
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